Uncontested Final Hearings

In many, if not most, Tennessee counties including Davidson and sometimes in Williamson, even if your divorce is truly uncontested you will have to go to court for a final hearing. This can be intimidating but I promise it should not be scary.

You will come at the courtroom at the scheduled time (or log in to zoom, depending). There will likely be several other cases on the docket so there will be other people there. When it is your turn, you will come to the front of the courtroom and be sworn in to tell the truth. You might be asked to sit in the witness chair, or in some courts you just stand next to your attorney at the podium to answer several questions (these are easy questions, like these:

  • You have lived in Tennessee for at least six months prior to filing for divorce?

  • Have irreconcilable differences arisen between you and your spouse?

  • Those differences still exist today?

  • You have executed this Marital Dissolution Agreement and believe it to be a fair and equitable division of your marital assets and liabilities?

  • You believe the Parenting Plan to be in the best interests of your children?

  • You’re asking the judge to grant you this divorce today?

PLEASE: If the answer to any of those questions is not “yes,” let your attorney know BEFORE you get up there.

The judge will tell you that she approves the Final Decree and will grant the divorce. Then usually we receive a copy of the signed and entered Final Decree of Divorce via email or the court’s e-filing system in the next day or two. In some counties, you will get a hard copy of the paperwork immediately.

As always when you are going to court, think about parking (bring cash to pay for parking if needed), give yourself enough time so you aren’t late, and dress appropriately.
